
feel really happy in a few minutes!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

having a bad day? -get uncomfortably Happy now!

I've had them, you've had them, everyone has them.

The scenario goes like this:

You wake up feeling unusually groggy... its cold and rainy outside.
Instead of going back to sleep, in the warm comfort of your fluffy bed, you force yourself up and about much like a zombie.
In fact, one glance in the mirror confirms you are of the undead persuasion.

Not feeling so hot today, wishing you could escape somewhere very far and removed from here. I dedicate this site to providing your mental and visual get-away from reality, a release from tension... The happy zone.

People often resort to drugs or alcohol to release uneasiness and stress from a dull environment. Too many people are unaware of the many other methods which exist out there. Along with guiding your way towards a bright sunny day, I'll show you some pretty neat paths towards clear skies all week, all month, and all year.

Smile, take a deep relaxing breath- in to the count of 5... hold it, and release (mentally repeating the word- relax) on the exhale.
This is only the tip of the iceburg.

From visiting this page:

1) You will be introduced to some techniques for visualization (nothing to do with manifestation of your dreams)... rather a way to create dream like scenes while you are awake, in all 5 senses.

2) You'll get bombarded with empowering thoughts, emotions, and feel-good affirmations.

3) I'll introduce programs for success, motivation, and well-being.

4) You'll smile more then you ever have before.

5) This is not another get-rich quick schemes. lol, wait a minute, that has nothing to do with this blog.

6) In a few minutes your whole body will be tingeling from head to toe with a remarkable sensation of profound relaxation.

7) You will open your eyes and see the world 5 times as sunny and bright.

8) It will be a beautiful day every day for as long as you visit this site.

9) You will be filled with feelings of hope and inspiration for life.

10) Your life will be positively transformed.

11) Your happiness will be contagious making life better for everyone you love.

12) You will feel like you are whole. An egg filled with golden yoke.

Again, this is only of a fraction of what can transpire when you fill your mind with happy thoughts, feelings, and actions. The mental is directly inlined with the physical... and like a symphony, the reactions will occur in concert giving you a massively euphoric experience. And above of all, you may visit this site as often as you wish, perennially filling yourself with positivity all day long!!!
Its all free, because I love you and I wish more then anything for you to feel happy!

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